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Using Homeopathic remedies in your home


A is for Arnica

B is for Belladonna

C is for Calendula...


This booklet wil not only teach you and your family your Homeopathic ABC's and give you new tools to use at home or while traveling for a variety of acute complaints. It will introduce you to 17 different homeopathic remedies and teach you to recognise their remedy pictures that correspond to a range of common complaints.


These are the most useful and widely used remedies by the home user in my experience.

Aconite Apis Arnica Arsenicum Album Belladonna Bryonia Calendula Cantharis Chamomilla Ferrum Phos Gelsemium Hypericum Magnesium Phos Nux vomica Phosphorus Pulsatilla Silica


The remedies are covered in a:

1. Materia medica (or listing by remedy)

2. Listing of Ailments (or repertory)

3. One page print out of Ailments and their corresponding remedy options


I created this 40 page booklet for my patients and other health seekers as an accompaniment to their consultations, my first aid webinars and other workshops that I offer.


Wishing you an empowering journey as you discover how Homeopathy can enhance the way you care for your family.



Homeopathic ABC's eBook

€ 5,00Price
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