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The Wellness Blog
Sharing experiences, insights, and resources to assist and inspire you on your journey to wellness.

Nicole Dawson Cullinan
2 min read
Lead with Love book collaboration
The Lead with Love book collaboration of 17 authors curated by Adie McDermott, is an International bestseller!!!!!. I am privilaged to...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
3 min read
Wild Seasons, change and healthy rhythms
‘Wild seasons’ is the name of my book series. It is a metaphor for our ever changing, growing and evolving human natures. It describes a...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
5 min read
Flower power - how Arnica and Echinacea can help you
This article is not actually about the hippie movement, flower power or flower children. But I could not resist using the symbolism of...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
5 min read
How many pesticides does it take to grow a strawberry?
This is no joke… and the answer is at least 7! Fresh strawberries are an enticing sight in supermarkets from late spring and throughout...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
5 min read
Wild medicine from weeds in our communal backyard
This past year has taken its toll on all of us in a variety of ways. While we humans were locked down and responding to a more inward...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
5 min read
Canary in a modern Coal mine… when weakness is strength
The canary in a coal mine is a highly illustrative metaphor that I frequently use with my clients to explain susceptibility to certain...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
4 min read
Health or heresy - Creating new paradigms in health care
It has been my experience that once you mention the word Homoeopathy in casual conversation, it is almost impossible to be thought of as...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
7 min read
When less is, alchemy and cabbages
Here is something not many people know about me… In 2000 I completed my Master’s degree thesis on the homoeopathic treatment of sick...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
2 min read
Why I use a wearable health tracker
What is a wearable health tracker? The market is flooded with wearable health technology including electronic devices that consumers can...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
5 min read
I HATE tomatoes - guiding symptom or silly anecdote in arthritis?
How listening to one's body can provide clues to its inner biochemistry and the potential connections between nightshade vegetables,...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
3 min read
Wellness through the Seasons
Moving from South Africa to Europe I became much more aware of the seasons and the distinct differences between them. It is as if the...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
6 min read
Why is my child a picky eater?
Food is fuel to our bodies. If you have a picky eater in your household, then at some stage you have probably worried that their limited...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
4 min read
When COVID19 knocks...
This blog was inspired by recent personal events. When COVID19 knocks and bashes down the door, how will you respond? I would like to...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
2 min read
Getting enough Vitamin D in the fading autumn light?
With the season changing, leaves are falling, mushrooms are springing up overnight and the days are getting shorter and darker. For a sun...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
7 min read
Broccoli and friends - unlikely heroes creating super health
Arugula, Brussels sprouts, Bok choy, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, Collard greens, Daikon radish, Horseradish, Kale,...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
3 min read
Autoimmunity - a perfect biochemical storm
Treating AUTOIMMUNITY successfully is like solving an equation with many variables. In order to cure, each variable should to be...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
1 min read
Nicole's Green Smoothie
Here is one of my personal favourites... my green tropical power smoothie recipe. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and share with...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
2 min read
Fully loaded Potato Bake
Because of their profound nutritional makeup and impact on health promotion, I am dedicated to cooking with Cruciferous Vegetables and...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
1 min read
Nicole's Green Juice
Because of their profound nutritional makeup and impact on health promotion, I am dedicated to cooking with Cruciferous Vegetables and...
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Nicole Dawson Cullinan
1 min read
Steamed long stem Broccoli with flowers and Ravioli pasta
Because of their profound nutritional makeup and impact on health promotion, I am dedicated to cooking with Cruciferous Vegetables and...
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