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Nature Walk & Workshops in Eindhoven

Learn in an inspiring and practical manner about the edible and medicinal plants that grow like weeds in our gardens and the green spaces around us.


Let’s go for a walk... Inspire your senses… look, touch, feel, listen, taste, discover, breathe, relax…










Do you enjoy walking in nature?


Do you want to…


  • Reconnect with nature and your environment?


  • Identify which common plants are edible and medicinal?


  • Learn how to cook with them and make home remedies?


If this is you, I invite you to join my 'Wise weeds' nature walks and workshops where you will…


Find out more about safe, natural alternatives for healing common conditions.


Discover what to grow in your own garden that would be medicinal and the value of having a natural pharmacy in your kitchen.


Learn how supplementing your diet with a diverse variety of wild plants foods provides for a diverse gut microbiome, strong immune system and improves your overall health.


Plants were after all our first pharmacy 


The events are led by South African-born Eindhoven resident, Nicole Cullinan. She is a Classical Homeopath and Functional medicine practitioner with over 20 year’s clinical experience


To book your spot, click here.

Workshop dates & Agenda 2024

All workshops take place on Saturdays 



Here are the practicalities:

Booking is mandatory and places are limited. So book asap to avoid disappointment. If the weather is too bad we will spend the full time indoors and I will have collected relevant plant samples ahead of the workshop. Otherwise please be prepared for all weather conditions... comfortable shoes, rainwear, a warm jacket or sunhat and sunscreen :)


Time: 1400-1630


Venue: MijnCHIRO 91A Ouverture 5629PS Eindhoven


Cost: 30EUR pp



  • Short outdoor nature walk in the Aanschotse Beemden

  • Indoor workshop where I focus on a few seasonal plants and their uses in cooking and selfcare

  • A chance to taste some treats made with seasonal ingredients

  • Access to a closed Facebook group where I share information on seasonal plants and recipes as well as my own brand of uplifting posts about health and wellness. 


I think all plants are ‘wise’ 
especially the ones we call weeds... 


More Information

This year in Eindhoven, you can participate in 8 workshops about edible and medicinal wild plants, running from March to November. The recurrent theme of this workshop series is reconnection with nature and how many of the commonly growing plants that we call weeds are actually edible and sometimes also have medical uses. Plants were after all our first pharmacy. 


‘Nature bathing’ or immersion in nature through walking in the forest, sitting on the grass and even hugging a tree can be healing and has been shown to reduce the negative effects of stress. It can also be an exercise in mindfulness. 


How often do we actually take notice of the plants growing along our path? 


In these workshops, you will discover that many of the common plants that we call weeds are actually useful, rich in nutrients, and can be used to make herbal remedies. 


I say that weeds, and the plants that grow wild around us, especially in our immediate environment, are especially useful to us, even necessary for our healing and health. 


In this way, plants are ‘wise’ because plants contain their own cocktail of chemicals which is their healing wisdom. And that is not always apparent to use at first glance. If we are aware and have the knowledge, we can make use of certain plant ingredients for our own self-care and well-being.


What you will learn 

I will provide important background knowledge on ethical wild foraging. I will help you to identify which common plants are edible and medicinal. Most importantly I will help you differentiate between these and their toxic look-a-likes. 


We will talk about the parts of the plants which are edible and medicinal for example stem, leaf, flower, seed/fruit, root and when they are best harvested. I mainly focus on medicinal wild plants because my background is as a homeopath and functional medicine practitioner and to a lesser extent the edible plants, their nutritional value, and how to include them as e part of a healthy balanced diet.


For real nature and plant enthusiasts, it can be very meaningful to join the whole series as we will follow the same plants throughout the different growing stages and their seasonal cycles. This is valuable for all levels of interest from beginners to experienced gardeners with ‘green fingers’. Everyone is welcome.



I will do the workshop in English (or my own combination of English, Afrikaans, and Dutch.) Names of plants will be given in Latin, English, and Dutch. 



Please note that no personal medical advice can be given. In this regard, contact your health provider. I also offer one on one consultations which you can book via my online agenda.


Cancellation policy

If you are unable to attend you can assess the workshop feedback in the closed FB group Wellness place community group. You can also roll your booking over to a future workshop in consultation with me. Please send an email to

If you cancel at least 2 weeks before the workshop, I will refund you the full amount less a 5€ handling fee. 


To book your spot, click here.


Your Educator

I am a nature lover and have been working in so-called alternative health care for more than 20 years as a Classical Homeopath and Functional medicine practitioner. When I moved to Eindhoven more than five years ago we bought a house that was both close to the schools and the 'bos'. Being close to nature is healing, restorative and essential for my wellbeing and I have found that most people are unfortunately quite disconnected from it.


I started walking daily in the Aanshotse Beemden and recognised many of the plants growing wild like weeds from my homeopathic studies. I had been using these plants in both their homeopathic and medicinal herbal forms in my practice back in South Africa where none of them are indigenous. So it was like an epiphany for me to discover them in their original habitat. It was like the dry facts my herbal books just came alive for me!


Looking forward to meeting you and sharing my love of plants and experience with using these 'wise weeds' to enrich your meals, and health.


To book your spot, click here.



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Welcome to the Aanschotse Beemden

From the indoor workshop venue, we will take a short walk through the suburb of Blixembosch to the Aanshotse Beemden which is close by. On the way and in the open green space we will see edible and medicinal plants. This is the practical part of the workshop where I will help you to identify whatever is in season at that moment. 


To book your spot, click here.

Need a companion guide?

I have created a book series that follows the seasons, helps you to identify edible and medicinal weeds and provides guidance and recipes on how to incorporate wild plants into you diet.


To buy the books, click here.

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Empowering you to understand your hormones & balance them naturally.


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