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Lead with Love book collaboration

The Lead with Love book collaboration of 17 authors curated by Adie McDermott, is an International bestseller!!!!!. I am privilaged to tell my 'Wild seasons' story in it and I would like to share a taster of this empowering book which is now officially published and available to purchase. 

Here is a sneak peek into my chapter...

Wild Seasons: Cycling through change

Nurture personal transformations, create inner resilience and hope with the rhythms of nature as your guide

At the crossroads of science, nature, and spirit we find true hope - Lyanda Lynn Haupt


"I cycled through isolation, a hopeless, dark depression and feelings of disconnection by finding wisdom and a healing balm in the changing seasons, nature, plants and of all things… weeds! 


If you are sick, stuck or life throws you an unexpected curveball and you are forced to change, adapt and grow in a harsh and unfamiliar environment without obvious support or the necessary skills to survive and thrive again, don’t give up hope.


WE ARE NATURE for all our sophistication, and we are still wild. I know for sure from my own experience, that recovering our wild nature is a vitality that can restore our resilience and a sense of belonging in the world."


To read more, I invite you to buy the book....

Another powerful excerpt from the book

"When women are the story tellers, the whole human story changes.​

When women vulnerably share themselves and their stories of healing and courage in the face of adversity, this becomes someone else's inspiration, or road map out of a place they don’t want to be in. 

​When women lead, we lead with love, empathy and compassion, and so therefore women voices have the potential to change the whole future of the world.

We are a collective of leading female entrepreneurs and thought leading authors, helping women all over the world to transform their lives.

When women work together the whole world benefits... Come transform your life and the world with us!"



When you buy the book, you will get access to my free PLANTFULNESS LIFESTYLE GUIDE where I show you practically how to transform your health by using my unique brand of mindfulness called Plantfulness.

If you like what you read, also have a look at my WILD SEASONS book series.

Wild Spring and Wild Summer kindle ebooks are on sale via your local AMAZON platform. PDFs and paperbacks (shipping to Netherlands only) are available via my website.

Yours in wild seasonal appreciation




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