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Wild Seasons, change and healthy rhythms

‘Wild seasons’ is the name of my book series. It is a metaphor for our ever changing, growing and evolving human natures. It describes a mindful and multidimensional lifestyle that has given me deep meaning and purpose to my life and can do the same for you.

Life has a rhythm and living in sync with the seasons can give you cues about the functioning of your own body and how it is normal, even necessary to have phases in your physical, emotional and spiritual health. 

We are nature

Living in alignment with nature and having a mindful connection to nature can be powerfully health giving. These natural rhythms can be directly experienced in the circadian, moon, tide and menstrual cycles. There is value in going with its flow and harnessing its power, as opposed to going against it.

When we are out of alignment we get sick. I think many of the complex and chronic diseases of our time occur because of the disconnection from nature's rhythms in some form or another. In fact some scientists are proposing that we rename Metabolic syndrome, Circadian syndrome in recogntion for how important the timing of exercise, light exposure, food consumption, and sleep is for health and how critical the effects are when there is misalignment and circadian disruption.

Why wild?

Recognising wild elements such as weeds in nature around us allows us to reconnect with the nature within us. It also explains the vital importance for physical health and emotional wellbeing of knowing and accepting your true self and being mindful of all its versions, especially the wild and untamed versions or aspects we can't control. It is akin to acknowledging and unconditionally accepting all parts of yourself, not just the well-groomed and socially constrained versions but especially your deepest desires and those which makes you feel truly alive.

So, what happens to the uninhibited and wild spirits with which we are born? 


Life happens and we grow up… social conditioning, disappointments, change, trauma, illness, loss… plus the reality of modern city living. Or perhaps our lives take an unexpected and dramatic turn, we can suddenly find ourselves disconnected from the natural world outside of us and separated from our true nature and adventurous spirits.

Wild seasons is also a metaphor for the futility in trying to control what it not yours to control. Whether it is your children, spouse, boss, body, family members or your circumstances, some things are not within our control. It is wisdom that helps us to discern the difference between what is within our power to change and those things that just aren't. I found both respite from stress and this wisdom in nature and specifically in plants, the common weeds that I saw growing out of the cracks in the pavement and watching the landscape change through the seasons.

Seasonal wisdom from Wild Summer

'Winter is like death but it is also like a womb. If you withdraw and hibernate for the cold dark months, you can harness energy for the next phase. Spring is like a rebirth, a new beginning and chance for exponential growth. Summer is abundance, flowers and fruit. Autumn is about maturation, aging and letting go. There is a time for everything in this circular economy of nature and life.'

I set out to write a book in 2020, however it alchemised into something different and a completely amazing whole book series! From the idea of a smoothie eBook to an authority book and then into a lifestyle medicine cookbook, this Wild season's book series was born of the need for a more meaningful expression of my personal creativity and humble human experiences.  It is my sincerest wish that by reading my books, my humble experiences can influence you to create a life of alignment and meaningful connection for yourself.

Each book observes nature and highlights the mostly wild plants and in some cases weeds that pop up in each season. I have chosen plants that are edible and medicinal and that have a wide use historically, in traditional medicine, homeopathy and herbalism. I fondly call them my 'wise weeds'.

Nicole Cullinan @nicole.cullinan.wild.seasons

Available in kindle format on your local Amazon platform, limited edition paperback and ebook pdfs directly from my bookshop.

In wild appreciation for your readership


I say when life gives you weeds, make something beautiful, medicinal, and wholesome like tea, wild pesto and petalled tasty treats!

Photography: Vickie De Beer

Excerpt from Wild Spring

Forager's Salad with wild greens and edible flowers


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